October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never been a huge reader but reading through the Hunger Games books for the first time (im a huge fan of the films) however has gotten me more into reading. I have some issues of re-reading compulsion, particularly with dialogue. I enjoy reading a lot dispite that my re-reading is annoying and is a habit I’m trying to break. My pace when reading I feel is not that that slow but this re-reading is clearly holding me up.

    by JonoBoio123


    1. That totally depends on how much you think during those pages. Reading isn’t a race. It’s an opportunity to have thoughts.

    2. UrDeAdPuPpYbOnEr on

      It’s not a race. It’s not a race. It’s not a race. You take it as slow or as fast as you want. My whole life I have had trouble following characters and names and I avoided fiction up until about five years ago. I find myself doing what you do, I have to reread stuff like 2-10 times to make sure I’m following and I’m getting all the names and relevant plot info. Do I wish I read faster? Sure. But I enjoy the book a lot more now because I’m much more involved in it. You do you and fluck anyone who gives you Schmitt otherwise. It’s a leisure activity. Leisure in it.

    3. Just read. Speed will pick up the more you get into it. At the end of the day, it’s for yourself and it doesnt matter how fast you or other people read

    4. ohcharmingostrichwhy on

      To answer your question, it’s about 8 pages slower than average. But like others are saying, it doesn’t matter- read at your own pace. It’s not a race, and it’s okay to take your time.

    5. Prothean_Beacon on

      That is entirely dependent on the type of book. Some books you can breeze through others are a bit more dense.

      You say you are somewhat new to regular reading for pleasure and if that’s the case I don’t think 20 pages sounds all that bad. It’s just one of those things where the more you do it the better/faster you get at it.
      Are you rereading cause you loose your place or because you aren’t fulling absorbing it first time. If the later is the case then try slowing up a bit first. Like I said before the more you read the faster you’ll be able to do it and absorb it over time.

      And don’t sweat how fast you read. Reading isnt a competition, as long as you’re enjoying yourself it’s fine.

    6. i think as long as you are enjoying your reading pages per minute or hour or whatever doesnt matter. Maybe try audiobooks even if you have to get more books read if that is your goal.

    7. BossBabeInControl on

      Don’t compare yourself to others. Read at your pace. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you read. It matters more that you enjoy what you’re reading. Don’t worry about anyone else and just be happy with you.

    8. It might also depend on how many words are on each page, or how large the font is for the characters. Normal reading speed, from what I vaguely recall from a speed-reading class 25 years ago, I think is 250-300 words a minute, but it varies greatly, and whatever your speed is, there are ways to increase it with training.

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