September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve read manyyy books, but I can’t find one with good wordings and story at the same time. It’s either one with too much words and no meaning and story or great story with basic wordings.
    Just so you know: I like murder mysteries, enemies to lovers, magical, not at all college or pure romance those kinda books

    by letmeflyaplane

    1 Comment

    1. hangingbyathread21 on

      Have you read Agatha Christie stories? Modern mystery thrillers are pretty basic from what I’ve read. If you want beautiful writing with a good story, you can read They Mostly Come Out At Night by Benedict Patrick. The writing isn’t too flowery but also quite atmospheric and lyrical. It’s a fantasy book though, I don’t know if you like fantasy. There’s a romance subplot in it. Another rec is A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross. It has a rivals to lovers romance and the writing is beautiful. There’s a mystery in the central plot and some magic involved.

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