September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, so just like the title suggests, my aunt is into spirituality/religious books and she wants one for Christmas. She is a Christian and likes books about people who have “seen the other side after death”. Kinda like the ones of people who describe what Heaven is like or something of that sort. Or ones that talk about angels. She’s really into those books as kind of a coping mechanism for her grandkid who died really young and wants hope that he’s still there (at least in spirit).

    I’m agnostic and only know the bare surface of that stuff, so I’m struggling to find something good. Any suggestions help!

    by TheDaddyPatty


    1. Grand-Berry7669 on

      Needle in a haystack, by Casey Jordan is a spirituality/religious/some paranormal book she might be interested in. Stories of spirits, guardian angels, sleep paralysis, vivid dreams, Out of body experience, conversation with the Holy Spirit. etc.

    2. unlovelyladybartleby on

      This one is fiction, but hits her other preferences. Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg. It follows Flagg’s greatest character through death, a journey through the afterlife, and return. It’s sweet and funny, but helps you reflect on what really matters in life and how a perfect heaven looks different for everyone.

      I’m a godless heathen, and I used to read these books with my Catholic grandma. We both loved them.

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