September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The parts about Anne’s sexuality. A part B and C was released including those things. Isn’t that disrespectful? ’m wondering

    I’ve been reading about it on a brief google search lmfao. Kind of making me want to read it. I tried once or twice but it got boring real fast.

    by Rarity2023


    1. Anne Frank hoped to be a writer and she wanted her diary to be published eventually. She did rewrite sections of it in the hope of that. After her death, her father wasn’t sure about publishing it, and was eventually talked into it by friends because they thought it was such an important document. He edited it, however, taking out some elements that Anne had wanted included (and we know that because they’re in the rewritten portions), while adding in other parts that she clearly didn’t want to keep. So when you’re reading the “original” version, you’re still reading something that isn’t exactly what she wanted published.

      In other words, it’s really complicated from the beginning, and as a result I don’t think it’s “disrespectful” – you’re actually reading some parts that she wanted you to read and that otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see.

    2. Did Anne actually say in the diary which parts she wanted published? Because its not like she was alive after the war to give her opinion.

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