September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I used to be an avid reader as a kid but now have difficulty being able to sit down and read for more than 20 pages as time.

    However, I just read “On Beauty” by Zadie Smith for my english class and it was the first time in ages I was able to get fully sucked in a book. I found myself reading that book in between classes and whenever I had spare time. I want to get back in to reading and would love book recs with a similar feel to “On Beauty”.

    Other books I’ve read as a young adult that had the same affect on me were: “Virgin Suicides” by Jeffrey Eugenides, “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” by Otessa Moshfegh, and “A Certain Hunger” by Chelsea G. Summers. I might have a thing for unlikable characters who make poor choices haha.

    Feel free to leave me book recs with similar vibes or just novels you couldn’t put down (preferably fiction). Thanks 🙂

    by Massive_Coat9629


    1. Ooooh I bet you would love [The Deeper the Water the Uglier the Fish]( by Katya Apekina. It’s one I couldn’t put down and one I think you’d like based on the books you mentioned in your post. It’s dark and weird and so well written!

      I know people have had very mixed reactions to this book, but I loved [Luster]( by Raven Leilani – there’s definitely a “complex” (aka unlikeable) character that rubbed some people the wrong way, but I thought it was great.

      You might want to check out Jami Attenberg’s books – she does the unlikeable but kind of also loveable characters really well.

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