September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Like 3 years ago, it is conceptually a good book, fascinating actually but the writing style is so robotic and don’t get me wrong, but for me at least, it was at first a little disorienting to follow Chinese names.

    I had to push through to finish it.

    A month and a half ago I started reading again, something light, Murderbot diaries, follow it with Project Hail Mary, then All Tomorrows. The first one very short, fast paced, PHM not that short but very entertaining, it kept me glued to the page, the All Tomorrows, not my cup of tea but short and somewhat bizarre.

    People kept telling me The Dark Forest was better than TBP, with my reading slump over, I decided to give it a try.

    With the 3 first books I read every second I had free, I finished them in two weeks, started TDF almost a 3 weeks ago and I’m starting to feel like I felt with The Three Body Problem made feel before, a little bored and like I have to push through.

    I don’t like books that I don’t feel compelled to read and feel more like a chore. Anyways, rant over.

    by walkingnottoofast


    1. You and I had very similar experiences with the Three Body Problem. What was interesting for me was I finished it and thought it was a strong middle of the road book – not amazing, but not terrible. I started the Dark Forest right after it and ended up returning it to the library and noting that I’d come back. I feel like the writing quality is the same in TDF, but now that I know the big reveal from book 1, intrigue just isn’t as satisfying.

    2. So don’t read it then? I’m all for giving everyone the ol’ college try, but not every book is going to work for you and life is short 🤷‍♀️

    3. Yeah those are challenging novels for sure. I initially didn’t like the series when I was reading it but I tried the audio version of the series really clicked. Once you get used to the names and prose style the series is a fascinating sci-fi story.

    4. The names were a bit of a challenge and I agree on the robotic language. I still enjoyed all three of the books in the three body problem series especially because of the novel (at least novel to me) ideas they included.

    5. SeekerOfTheMoist on

      I had the same problem when I was reading the trilogy. I had a feeling it may have been a translation issue that makes it feel to robotic. It’s a great story, but getting through was a pain.

    6. The three body problem is a little tough to get started but was very interesting later on. The following books were just really good.

    7. broken_repair1920680 on

      I’m a newbie with reading sadly but I may sound like a dipshit here, my first actual full read through was it by Stephen king and 4 years later I can’t get enough, when I feel disappointed and trust me I give up easy, I grab a king book or jurrasic park, after a few chapters I’m dialed right in. And if the book is a stinker I still read it mainly cause I spent money on it. Lol

    8. I know people can get quite defensive about this book on reddit. But if it is any comfort, I didn’t like it either. While many say it gets better and better, I thought every reveal just made it sillier.

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