September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If you’re anything like me, you probably read a lot of books and forget a lot about them as well after reading them (also see: being ADHD)

    Is there one specific book whose plot, characters, setting you just can’t get out of your mind and still think about today even when in the midst of another book?

    For me, it’s 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. I think due to the sheer volume of this book (clocked in over 1000 pages) I was so invested in Tengo and Aomame’s stories that it’s quite impossible to forget them quickly. This is also why I prefer long novels, because they stick around in my memory for longer!

    So what book is still stuck with you?

    by theunspokenwords__


    1. little_carmine_ on

      Finally read *Moby-Dick* and I have a feeling it will never truly leave me.

      I always have *As I Lay Dying* lingering in my mind, and since I reread it this year I guess it counts.

    2. A_warm_sunny_day on

      On account of 1Q84, I went and listened to Janacek’s Sinfonietta – six months after I read the book – so that one evidently stuck in my mind. I’m not sure I could identify the piece in the first few bars, however.

    3. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Murderbot (I’ve read 1 and 2), and The Old Man and the Sea regularly pop into my head

    4. “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin — It presents a very convincing argument that the central banking system of the United States constitutes a banking cartel and is an instrument of war and totalitarianism.

    5. HelloDesdemona on

      I read Frankenstein for the first time this year, the original text. It struck me hard, and I can’t stop psychoanalyzing Victor, hahaha.

      Great book. Mary Shelley deserves a standing ovation.

    6. i’ve read very little this year, but a breath of life by clarice lispector. i think about it, or fragments of it, very often

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