The Vorkosigan saga is a sci-fi centered around Miles Vorkosigan, a man born with a fragile body that survives by being a genius (he is not in every book)
The Bloody Jacky Faber series is historical fiction centered around a young woman that everyone either loves or hates, and she seems to be a genius that constantly masters new skills
Magic 2.0 series has Jimmy, who is sometimes a POV character, that manipulates the people around him
KeithMTSheridan on
For fantasy, the Prince of Nothing Trilogy by R Scott Bakker is perfect
Dangerous Liaisons
The Vorkosigan saga is a sci-fi centered around Miles Vorkosigan, a man born with a fragile body that survives by being a genius (he is not in every book)
The Bloody Jacky Faber series is historical fiction centered around a young woman that everyone either loves or hates, and she seems to be a genius that constantly masters new skills
Magic 2.0 series has Jimmy, who is sometimes a POV character, that manipulates the people around him
For fantasy, the Prince of Nothing Trilogy by R Scott Bakker is perfect
The Queen’s Thief book series.