October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! I’m a long time lover of books and RPGs, and am going to start playing a game called “changeling the dreaming” and am looking for some inspiration. If you know the game, great! If not, here’s a quick summary:

    “The game is set in the Chronicles of Darkness, a fictional analog to the real world in which human beings unknowingly coexist with legendary monsters and other supernatural phenomena. The “Changelings” of the title are ordinary human beings who were kidnapped by the Fae and taken as slaves to their world (alternately known as Arcadia or Faerie). The player characters are changelings who have managed to escape their otherworldly captors and struggle through the barrier (known as the Hedge or the Thorns) that separates Faerie from Earth. The game focuses on the experiences of these changelings as they re-discover the world of their birth, try to cope with the metamorphoses they have undergone, and seek to evade recapture.

    The dominant themes of the game are the pain of loss, the quest for identity, and the bittersweet nature of human existence.

    Changelings refer to themselves as “the Lost”: they were kidnapped by the godlike Fae, taken to an alien realm, and held prisoner. While trapped there (referred to as their “Durance”), they were forced to serve their otherworldly masters and endure inhuman tortures; to survive under the twisted laws underpinning Arcadia, they also had to undergo physical and supernatural metamorphoses. Many escape only to find that they have been replaced by a faerie simulacrum (called a “Fetch”) and that they have not been missed at all. Most also discover that time passed differently in Arcadia than in the mortal world, and they are either too old or too young to resume their normal lives. Those who can often attempt to pick up where they left off before they were taken, with varying degrees of success, while others try to build new human lives elsewhere. However even under the best possible circumstances, the Lost are no longer fully human; they have become part of both worlds and while they are still human enough to make sense of human things, they have metamorphosed just enough to skew their perceptions. Many embrace their new existences, compensating for the loss of their mortal lives by immersing themselves in changeling society. Most find that they have come to appreciate humanity in a new way, finding beauty in the most mundane or painful of experiences, aching for things they did not appreciate before their capture.”

    ~~Here’s the wiki~~ nevermind I can’t post links. If you want any more info if you google “changeling the dreaming” you’ll find the wiki at the top.

    If anyone has any advice for books that give this vibe or fall in this genre, I’d be greatly appreciative! Thank you ahead of time for any and all help! 🥰

    by Slinkadynk

    1 Comment

    1. Oh, The Black Jewels.

      In this world, there are non magical folk, Landens, and magical folk, The Blood. (The blood store their magic inside of mp jewels so you can see how powerful someone is by looking at them). The blood are supposed to caretake the land and the Landens, but, instead, they have all gotten their heads stuck up their butts. There’s a system of corruption that is spreading.

      The story focuses around two men who are thousands of years old and fed up. So fed up that one of them is barely hanging onto their sanity. They are so fed up that they have literally destroyed entire palaces and everyone in it, like, Elfen lied style followed up by a crater where the palace was type thing. But people are so short lived compared to these guys that they keep forgetting and it keeps happening.

      Someone has to step up and save this. The corruption is enormous. The solution to fix this is absolutely devastating (last book).

      There’s entire other races that are so utterly fed up that they have hidden themselves. (Book 2) Things get worse for them.

      Not a book but Undertale video game might be your thing

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