October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is the opening paragraph of a book that has not yet been published…My friends writing it and she needs some reviews over it. Its mostly about her anxiety and depression journey.
    Also, it still needs paragraphing, and some other formatting..
    Waiting for your suggestions🫶🏻🩷
    Have you ever felt worthless to the extent that life became crucially meaning less? Let’s get back to where it begun, when life was beautiful around but, just not with me. I’d be living in a house where everyone would be happy but, for me it felt like I had lost a piece from the puzzle of my life. Having the most loving parents and quirky siblings how come, it was all worthless. It was a feeling like no other as if sitting in fresh air gasping for some, like having a river infront of you but dying of thirst as if life had an unmatched situation that would just crumble me up. Let’s be honest I was a happy, ongoing young girl how come I had become so dead? Was it a lack of company and comfort or was it just my mind killing me from the inside. A constant voice inside my head that would scream you are worthless, insufficient and capable of nothing. When you try to explain yourself that everything happens for a reason and you just don’t seem to accept it. Imagine looking at a bridge where people are constantly walking back and forth however, once you step on it, it falls apart that is what life did to me. Night’s that won’t end and days that would kill you every second. Is life like that for everyone? Or was it just a sin that made life hate me so much.
    Since, the very beginning we are told that life is very unpredictable but no one told me it could be unacceptable. We are often told that always be grateful for what you have rather than wishful for what you don’t. How come a person have everything but still feel the need for more. No one told me, No one prepared me for what I was about to go through, what was about to happen and how I was supposed to cope with it.As a matter of fact who was gonna be with me when I would face the actual life. As days turned into weeks, the sense of worthlessness settled deeper within, casting shadows on even the simplest joys. It was like wearing a heavy cloak, each step a struggle, and each smile a fleeting facade. The laughter of others echoed, but failed to reach the depths of the desolation within. Despite the loving gestures and kind words, an invisible barrier grew, isolating from the vibrancy of life. The search for purpose seemed endless, lost in the labyrinth of the mind. Every sunrise brought a dim hope, a fragile promise that perhaps, one day, the puzzle pieces would fall back into place.

    by lifesmiserable_


    1. I think the last part that starts “as they days tuned to weeks…” is ok but the rest is sort of stream of consciousness with too many ideas going on. They need a short hook to get people invested and a very brief understanding of what’s to come.

    2. I’m not even reading this post because there’s not paragraphs in it, much less a book lmao.

      I’m begging you to fix the formatting.

    3. No-Understanding4968 on

      I like it a lot — very vivid — but it needs to be much shorter and it needs to get on with the story.

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