September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all, I’m searching for some fantasy book recs, but I’m really put off by descriptions of sexual assault. I’m a little bummed because a lot of fantasy books I’ve tried recently have not been enjoyable because of this. I’d also rather not read YA, but it’s not a deal breaker if you think it’s a really good book regardless!

    by galactic-boss-cyrus

    1 Comment

    1. T. Kingfisher. *Byrony and Roses, Clockwork Boys, The Wonder Engine, Swordheart, Paladin’s Grace, Paladin’s Strength, Paladin’s Hope,* and *Paladin’s Faith.* Her YA stuff is good, too.

      Heather Rose Jones. *Daughter of Mystery, The Mystic Marriage* (protagonist doesn’t want to have sex with him but does seek him out and consent, for consideration. Small scene), *Mother of Souls, Floodtide*. These books are f/f Fantasy of Manners.

      Seanan McGuire. She has stated that she will not ever cause her characters to be raped. Her series are: October Daye, Wayward Children, Alchemical Journeys, Incryptid. She also writes SF under the name Mira Grant. McGuire is an incredibly prolific author so her stuff ought to keep you occupied for MONTHS.

      *Sabriel, Lirael* and *The Abhorson* by Garth Nix. These are YA but they are wonderful books.

      *The Goblin Emperor* by Katherine Addison (Be aware that Addison wrote her Docterine of Labyrinths books under the name Sarah Monette. They have recently been re-issued under the name Katherine Addison. They’re good, but brutal and absolutely *not* what you’re looking for. *Goblin Emperor* OTOH, is a cinnamon bun of a book.)

      The House of Werth Series by Charlotte E. English.

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