September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Torrey Peters’ writing hits very specific notes that I crave, a combination of the restraint and empathetic rendering of complex protagonists I usually look for from Kazuo Ishiguro and an embrace of raw, detailed human weirdness I enjoy in Pynchon.

    Unfortunately, because Trans authors are still so underrepresented in publishing, when I look for “More like Detransition, Baby / Torrey Peters “, I just get the same few Trans Lit 101 suggestions which:

    * Often have little stylistically in common with Peters’ writing aside from the presence of Trans characters &or themes
    * I’ve read already

    I’ve read the novellas et al. Does anyone have any suggestions to fill the Torrey Peters shaped void in my “yet to read” bookshelf?

    To be clear, Queer content / themes / characters are more than welcome, even preferred. I’m just looking for suggestions that are more related to her narrative style and less “Nevada, I guess?”.

    by eCtX8wp9ueuqXmMdgD

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