October 2024
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    Judge orders books removed from Texas public libraries due to LGBTQ and racial content must be returned within 24 hours.

    by cowboy_mouth


    1. GomerStuckInIowa on

      I am overjoyed that there is a glimmer of intelligence in Texas. Let us hope it grows.

    2. Oh my god! I’m actually reading “Caste” by Isabel Wilkerson right now and it’s honestly so interesting and really engaging as well

    3. Darklord_Bravo on

      It’s a library, you don’t have to read every book.

      If parents don’t want their kids reading them, they can tell them. But don’t deny MY kids right to read what they want to.

      Fuck these Republican assholes, and their fake culture wars, just because they don’t like LGBTQ people and people with different colored skin, and history that might upset the little snowflakes.

      Sorry, that last bit was me getting pissed off. Rightfully so.

    4. Took me a couple reads of that headline to figure out what happened.

      (Law = bad. Judge = good.)

    5. Taminella_Grinderfal on

      What makes me most angry is my 100% certainty that the people calling for the bans have not read the books.

    6. These culture wars are so stupid. A judge has to be involved for people to return the removed books makes me think if this is really the year 2023.

    7. At first, reading the (poorly worded) headline, my thought was “what a religious nut job, he’s violating the 1st Amendment here!”

      Then I read the article, which states that the books, which were ALREADY REMOVED by religious nut jobs, errrr, I mean “religiously motivated persons” must be RETURNED within 24 hours because their removal was illegal and violated the 1st Amendment.

      Good job, judge!

    8. Don’t worry, Texas Republicans are hard at work making sure kids still can’t read by the time they reach military enlistment & prison age.

    9. Medical Schools in Texas should be nervous. Alright students. So here’s a fully clothed person. Now imagine, under this full length garment is a body with organs and no-no parts. We’re going to take care of boo boos without mentioning no no’s and it’s all gonna work out fine.

    10. >Books ordered to return to shelves include …, “They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group” by Susan Campbell Bartoletti, …

      Hey, I did a book report on this back in high school! Glad I did because it inoculated me against the 3-percenter bullshit that crept through some of my circles only a few years later. No wonder they want it banned.

    11. > “The government cannot tell citizens what they can or can’t read. Our nation was founded on the free exchange of ideas, and banning books you disagree with is a direct attack on our most basic liberties.”

      The lawyer in the case couldn’t be any more correct.

    12. Jenny_Saint_Quan on

      *inserts Judge Judy tapping her watch and slapping her hand on the podium*

    13. What a shame books don’t directly kill people or conservatives would love them.

    14. Father_of_Invention on

      Look at that someone with common sense realizing banning books makes you the enemy of a free nation

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