October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was reading the Wikipedia article about conspiracy theories and one paragraph talked about the previously mentioned celebrities where apparently replaced. If anyone can suggest about those celebrities replacement theories, I’d appreciate it.

    by PieFlour837

    1 Comment

    1. Colleen_Hoover on

      I don’t know that there are any books about those celebrities in particular. Maybe Paul McCartney, but the others are too recent. If you’re interested in conspiracy theory books, Mike Rosthchild has some good ones about the recent conspiracy trends – *The Storm Is Upon Is* is about the Q conspiracies and *Jewish Space Lasers* is kind of a survey of the history of Rothschild conspiracies.

      If you want to hear from the nutters themselves, *Behold a Pale Horse* is kind of the preëminent conspiracy kook book. Alice Walker had kind things to say about David Icke and his book *And the Truth Will Set You Free,* but I know nothing about it.

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