September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I haven’t really been a big reader since I was a kid. (When I was a kid, I’d read so much I got bored of the local library and had to go to a bigger one.) Since I only read much when I was a kid, a lot of grown up horror novels kind of passed me by. I did read some King before I lost my attention span, I finished IT and Desperation.

    Lately I’ve been really really bored at work and decided to start listening to audiobooks. Since I don’t have the attention span or the time, between work, college, and social life, I decided it would help me get back into literature. Right now I’m listening to the Shining, but I’m blowing through it, so I’ll need more scary suggestions.

    The only thing I will say is I’d like to keep any graphic sex scenes to a minimum, listening to those in public sounds strange to me. One or two here or there isn’t that bad, but nothing constant or extreme. Mentioning sex is fine but I don’t want like, erotica if that makes sense.

    by EmpJoker

    1 Comment

    1. extranachocheese on

      I recently read The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager and enjoyed that. Was a good thriller/horror story.

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