September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a story involving an arranged marriage (NOT a marriage of convenience), where it’s like two kingdoms or families are joined for some kind of political benefit, and the FMC decides to make the most of it, both personally and politically. The kind of personality I’m kind of looking for is like Juliette Cai from These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong, although I’d prefer it if the FMC was closer to her mid-late 20s. I just want her to be capable of making hard calls, unafraid of wielding whatever authority is at her disposal, and not snobby, but just unembarrassed by her power/wealth.

    NO ingenue or Lawful Good types, please. I want her to be kind of a bitch.

    I’m also looking for the MMC who has that guard dog-type personality where he adores the FMC ,and she absolutely runs the show and can “deploy” the MMC on command. Like, “touch her and I’ll kill you, but only if she tells me to.” What the MMC is like is honestly less important to me than what the MMC is like, I just don’t want him to be a patronizing asshole.
    Deeply preferred if the book did not center on smut. I don’t mind if there are sex scenes, but I want the relationship to be built on things beyond just chemistry, and I want there to be a lot of plot.


    by Summer__Snow

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