October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m 50% into Verity by Colleen Hoover. It’s a highly rated book on Good Reads and the most popular book available by kindle at my library right now. It was decent in the beginning but I feel like it’s dragging and I don’t relate to any of the characters or storyline. I don’t like any of the characters actually. Does anyone who has read the book think I should stick to it or move on?

    I like the writing style so if there is a better Colleen Hoover book, let me know.

    by savy07


    1. AnotherHopeless on

      There’s better authors in my opinion. Colleen writes fanfiction for people who didn’t read fanfiction as a teen tbh. She lacks with character development, well done storylines, etc

    2. LazyRiverHomicide on

      It’s a terrible book. Life’s too short to read bad books. You gave it a try, best to move on to something you’ll enjoy

    3. Ugh. The ending of that book was a huge disappointment for me. It literally damaged my faith in humanity. It’s all about shock value but makes no actual sense. If you aren’t into it by half way, I’d say skip the rest.

    4. I started reading this due to the hype and it quickly became apparent that I had made a terrible mistake… it was safely donated to the charity shop for someone who might enjoy it.

    5. ruin-and-rising on

      I personally don’t like Colleen Hoover at all and couldn’t really connect with characters in her books. On top of that, I think her writing is on the bad side and wouldn’t waste my time on any of her books anymore

    6. Unfortunately Goodreads ratings are basically meaningless, you’d be hard pressed to find a book rated outside of a 3.25 – 4.75 range

    7. The moment I saw the name Coleen Hoover, I immediately yelled DROP IT in my head.
      Jk, though if you’re not enjoying it just drop it. If you like the writing style try reading another book by her some other time. No need to waste your time on books you find mediocre.

    8. Does not get better. I’ve read that and one other of her books and I hated both. I read Verity first and thought it must have been a fluke, so I picked up another. The thing I don’t like is pretty much what you said – I just don’t care about any of the characters so the plot drags. Even in books where I dislike characters, I still am curious what happens to them next. With Hoover’s characters, I just don’t.

    9. w0rkharD-plAyharD on

      Life is too short, and our free time is too valuable. I’m trying a second time right now to get through In Cold Blood. I hate it. I feel guilty and maybe wrong that I hate it, but I just do. I need to take my own advice: Move on and be happy.

    10. Comfortable-Sell-101 on

      I noped out at the second chapter when I realized the writing made me want to scream. Just read the synopsis online if you’re that curious. It’s really not worth it.

    11. It does not get better, it only gets ickier

      I had misguided high hopes for Verity. But yeah…it sucked

    12. TheAnxiousPangolin on

      Life’s too short to finish books you don’t like. Leave it if you want to – you can always come back in the future if you change your mind.
      Personally I found the second half of the book much better than the first though, so maybe it will get better for you. It was one of her best books in my opinion, as some of her other are pretty bad.

    13. You know what, you’ve already put the effort into reading it this far, you might as well finish so you can scream like the rest of us did at the ending. It will also teach you to never read one of her books again because even if you think she does a good job of writing a suspenseful book, just freaking wait til you get to the end of this one and then decide if it’s good writing or not. It is a book that I will never regret reading because it will always be the worst book I ever read and I enjoy seeing how other people react to it. There are dozens of Verity hate posts on this sub, after you finish it go back and read them.

    14. I tried to read November 9, Ugly Love and Verity but they’re all horrible. I would recommend just watching a review on her books instead of actually reading them. If you want a good Coleen Hoover book just read It ends with us and skip the rest of her books. She doesn’t handle topics well in the books I mentioned. November 9 being the worst offender.

    15. There are much better thrillers out there and there is no such thing as a good Colleen Hoover book.

    16. Was this the type of book I would usually read? No.

      Did I find it entertaining enough to finish it? Yes.

      I now know of the reputation the author has on here but I read it without knowing and enjoyed it for what it was, but I totally understand all the criticisms too. I won’t be reading another book of hers anyway so there’s that.

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