September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Theres a book i remember reading around 2009 during middle school that has been hard for me to find. It’s either something i read or dreamt up so please help me figure out which it is.

    The book was about a dystopian society that was divided by colors, similar to the factions of divergent. Whenever someone was assigned a color their clothes and personality would change and make them more robotic. The main character ends up running away after their friend gets sorted and leave the city and live in the ruins. While the main character is out in the ruins they gain color in their gown from Music? or something i really don’t remember outside of that. but i know i read it during middle school for an english assignment

    by TibbyChi


    1. Able-Background8534 on

      This sounds very familiar but I can’t place it. Was it one of the Giver series books by Lois Lowry? I read them all but can’t recall exactly the details in them anymore.

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