September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like this would be a super great model for easing people into a series. You get to sample an authors ability to tell a complete story and their writing style in the first short installment. If you don’t like it you can confidently drop knowing you gave it enough time. If you like it then you’re already invested in the world/characters and you now have much longer installments to continue to enjoy while being confident that the author actually knows how to land an ending

    An extreme version of this would be something that escalates from micro fiction to flash fiction to short story to novelette to novella to short novel to epic-length multi-part novels.

    by MrLizardsWizard


    1. Downtown-Dig9181 on

      Robert A. Heinlein’s Future History
      – his first published story, Life-Line, began a connected universe that includes many of his later novels including Time Enough For Love.

      You can find his future history stories in The Past Through Tomorrow, The Man Who Sold The Moon, and Future History.

    2. If you enjoy stories with strong female leads, ‘Sabriel’ by Garth Nix is a book I often suggest. It’s a dark and captivating tale of a young necromancer’s quest to find her father and stop the Dead from overrunning her world, all while learning about her own powers.

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