September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, and since he loves reading, I figured a book would be good. We have similar taste, both horror, true crime, mystery, that sort of thing. But he won’t let me read the books I want to read yet because he thinks they’ll be too scary. Because of that, I can’t really think what books he’ll like because the ones I read are a lot more toned down than the ones he reads.

    I know he loves Stephen King, but I’ve never really heard him mention any other authors. Any suggestions would be great, thanks in advance!

    by AquaPuppy_


    1. Pawsacrossamerica on

      Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Reading it now and can’t wait to pass it off to my dad. It’s a classic and just a good dad book. It’s big and beautiful too so it makes a lovely gift.

    2. Can you sneak a peek at some other authors or titles he has laying around? We can maybe give you some extra good recs that would suit him.
      Ps- seeing the effort/ thought into getting your dad a good gift really made my day.

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