October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really enjoy books where the conflict is not a clear case of black and white. When people have a reason for doing things that is not clear cut in being good or bad.

    I really liked how The Queen’s Thief series by Megan Turner explored this by having the second book of the series be told from the perspective of the kingdom that was framed as an antagonist in the first book.

    The Locked Tomb series is also doing something similar by switching prospective from a pro-God crowd to one more sympathetic to the Anti-Christ character.

    What are some other series that do something similar?

    by YetiBettyFoufetti


    1. CL Polk’s Kingston Cycle trilogy! A character in the first book who is maybe the secondary antagonist is the POV character in the second book, and I actually ended up liking the character, which is hard to do.

    2. Interview with a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice

      The Church of England series by Susan Howatch- starts with Glittering Images- each book features a different clergyman as the protagonist and they don’t see eye to eye.

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