July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Might be pretty cliche but Harry Potter. I was never much of a reader and in 1998 still had never heard of Harry Potter but got it as a gift. I ended up getting grounded for getting a couple of f’s in school. As punishment I couldn’t leave or watch tv so I took out that book and started reading. It was the first page turner I ever read.

    2. Mexipinay1138 on

      The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. I think the movies are great but experiencing the books for the first time as a kid was…enthralling.

    3. AtheneSchmidt on

      When I did my 23andme, I learned that I am likely to get dementia in my future. I have dealt with this fact surprisingly well, by telling myself I will be able to read the Harry Potter books again, for the first time.

    4. Diligent_Notice2703 on

      Maybe not a book but also is i heard some of ray bradburys short stories on the radio and almost would of liked to read them instead or hear them for the first time again.

    5. Contact~Carl Sagan. I love that book so much.


      I recently listened to all the Harry Potter books with my kids, and it was very much like reading them for the first time. SO FUN! My kids were completely obsessed for all 7 books. Took us about 6 months to listen to all of them. Was great.

    6. I wish I could read again for the first time some of the Agatha Christie books and bet who the murderer is.

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