July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The only books I managed to get him into im his adult life were Agatha Christie and I’m hoping I can hook him with something else. He especially liked And Then There Were None.

    He likes a good mystery, likes twists, does not like gore or gratuitous sexuality/violence. He prefers female protagonists. Diversity (sexuality, ethnicity) would be a plus if possible but he will not read YA. Thanks so much!

    by sadthrowaway2838


    1. funningincircless on

      Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove – what would happen to a small town if everybody went of their meds at the same time?

      Jack Spratt Investigates – its hard enough to solve the murder of Humpty Dumpty, but how do you concentrate on work with Punch and Judy as next door neighbors and a Greek Titan hanging around your daughter?

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