July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My mom is in her final days of her fight with cancer…

    She is sleeping all the time now and isn’t able to respond…

    I’m her only child. I feel broken.

    I need something to get me through this… thank you

    by Friendly_Appeal_7872


    1. I am really sorry for what you are going through.

      The only book I can think of to suggest, because the end is both achingly sad and tenderly hopeful is The little prince.

      May your mum’s last moments be peaceful and may you find your way through this.

    2. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      that’s really awful, so sorry. Dave Eggers published a book called a heartbreaking work of staggering genius about 25 years ago.

      I don’t think there’s ever a death book that will perfectly match your own experience because you and your mom are unique. but Eggers was pretty honest about his and his siblings’ own experience, and perhaps that could be of some use to you.

    3. face_in_a_book on

      A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.

      I’m so very sorry for what you & your mom are going through.

    4. SurpriseParade on

      I am so deeply sorry.

      When you’re ready, some books on grief might be helpful. Ideas:

      Grief is Love by Marisa Lee

      Dancing at the Pity Party by Tyler Feder (graphic novel)

    5. I’m so sorry.

      I recently took a lot of solace from the book The Probability of Everything. It’s a fiction story for middle grade readers, but it has a very beautiful take on loss that I learned a lot from.

    6. WhatsHappeningBuddy on

      ‘When Things Fall Apart’ Pema Chodron

    7. Dry-Strawberry-9189 on

      Maybe try Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Really sorry for what y’all are going through. ❤️

    8. Quirky_Choice_3239 on

      The Giver series is fabulous. Or, if you haven’t read it, The Hunger Games.

      I’m so sorry for your loss.

    9. Hi, i dont have a book, but i lost my father yesterday. It took a month for him to pass.

      Please, try and get rest. I know its hard but you need to make sure you eat too.

      Sending strength to you.

    10. I’m so so sorry that you are losing your mom. I would recommend several different books by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn but he has one called How to Live When a Loved One dies. He lost his own mother when he was young too. I hope his words will bring you some peace.

    11. Dr_Waffles_PHD on

      Reasons to Stay Alive and Comfort Book, both by Matt Haig.

      It is never easy losing a loved one. Hope this helps. Stay strong.

    12. I’m sorry for what you are going through. Anticipatory grieving is a real thing. When this happened to my mom, I read “under the whispering door.” It’s a different perspective on death. *hugs

    13. A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis,
      Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune,
      His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman

    14. Spongy-n-Bruised on

      Honestly, it depends on what you want to feel. Do you want to feel hopeful? Distracted? Do you want to lean into these emotions you’re feeling? Do you want books where the character(s) are going through similar feelings of loss and grief as you are? If you want to be distracted then I’d probably recommend a big sweeping fantasy or sci-fi series. I’d have to think on it a bit if it’s one of the other answers.

      In any case, stay strong ❤️

    15. TheMarbleFaun13 on

      I’m so, so, sorry.

      If you want to feel and process grief, but also an element of escapism, I’d suggest Interview with the Vampire.
      If you want pure escapism, I’d suggest N0S4A2

    16. inferno_disco on

      i know you asked for a book but i recommend watching the last episode (ep 8) of the show The Midnight Gospel on Netflix

    17. International-Bee483 on

      I don’t have a book suggestion but I just wanna say I’m sorry. My mom passed from cancer in 2018. I’m an only child too.

      I don’t have a lot of words because I know nothing I say will really help. Just know you aren’t alone.

    18. Garden_Circus on

      The Emperor of All Maladies will be very relevant to you.

      It’s not a book, but I’d be more apt to recommend the Netflix show Midnight Gospel. The first several episodes are philosophical conversations about various topics, light/medium in nature. The last episode is the creator (Duncan Trussell) speaking with his actual mom who had stage 4 breast cancer. They basically talk about her impending death and how to grieve. Totally out of left field for the show, very heavy but I think it’s important for anyone whose experienced loss. My mom also died a few years ago, not from cancer, but I was 26 and it was too young to lose a parent.

      I’m terribly sorry you’re going through this. After this, get off Reddit and spend time with your mom <3

    19. I feel like you might need a book the total opposite of what you are experiencing to maybe get you out of that mindset so I will suggest my favorite sci Fi horror at the mountains of madness and for something light hearted that made me laugh all the way through it Jurassic Park or hitchhikers guide to the galaxy both should make you laugh.

    20. taracantsleep on

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost my mom to cancer last year and it was hard to concentrate on anything but I reread The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. It always brings me a lot of peace and hope, especially the section about death

      Lots of love to you and your mom

    21. Vegetable-Driver2312 on

      Wintering by Katherine May

      I’m so sorry to hear this, please be gentle with yourself and go easy on yourself.

    22. I lost my mom in May from cancer. So far I’ve read When Breath Becomes Air which helped me see her fight – and defeat – from her own perspective. It was helpful without being too painful.

    23. ThaneOfCawdorrr on

      Please know, that you are giving your mother the kindest, gentlest, most wonderful gift, to be with her (she knows you are there), to ease her passage to the next world. Know that she wants you to be strong, and she wants you to be easy of heart. She will ALWAYS be with you in spirit. Her love will ALWAYS be by your side. It’s okay to be sad, it is part of life. But you are not hopeless, you are not lost, you are not broken, you are your mother’s spirit, continuing in this life.

      Hold her hand. Sing to her. Read your mom’s favorite poems, or psalms, or prayers to her. Tell her your favorite jokes. Sing the songs she sang to you as a child. These are the moments in life where love is purest.

      Wishing you peace and grace.

      I want to recommend three things.

      First, a website: [grief.com](https://grief.com) — started by someone who I actually know personally, who is the kindest, most loving man, and who offers many, many MANY ways to express and feel and understand your grief.

      Second, one of the books written by the founder of that site: [https://grief.com/books-by-david-kessler/you-can-heal-your-heart-louise-hay-david-kessler/](https://grief.com/books-by-david-kessler/you-can-heal-your-heart-louise-hay-david-kessler/)

      And lastly, a poem that gave me solace when I went through this with my mom:

      **The Sailing Ship** –

      by Bishop Charles Henry Brent

      What is dying?

      I am standing on the seashore.

      A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean.

      She is an object and I stand watching her

      Till at last she fades from the horizon,

      And someone at my side says, “She is gone!” Gone where?

      Gone from my sight, that is all;

      She is just as large in the masts, hull and spars as she was when I

      saw her,

      And just as able to bear her load of living freight to its destination.

      The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her;

      And just at the moment when someone at my side says, “She is gone”,

      There are others who are watching her coming,

      And other voices take up a glad shout,

      “There she comes” – and that is dying.

    24. WestTexasOilman on

      Not a book, but I believe the song Drops of Jupiter by Train was inspired by someone on the same situation. Might look it up.

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