September 2024
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    I’ve (23F) gotten to the point in my life where I’m beginning to realize that I might be spending a tad bit too much in the house. I find it hard to navigate social situations and it has really affected my ability to form new relationships. So what books would you suggest to someone whose trying to learn how to be more social and extroverted? Bonus points if they’re easy to read/get through. TIA!

    by bigBiggergirl


    1. I’m going to answer your question by not answering your question.

      Start talking to the people you have to interact with every day. Cashiers at the gas station, Target, grocery store. Servers at restaurants. Receptionists at doctors appointments. Keep it short and sweet. Ask a silly question. Tell a stupid joke.

      If you practice talking to people, you’ll be able to talk to people.

    2. I’d read “Quiet” to try and find out if you’re shy, introverted, or both. They’re not the same thing.

    3. thisisausergayme on

      Join a book club and read what they’re reading so you can talk about it. Check out the meetup app or Facebook or your local library for book clubs near you

    4. How to be yourself by Ellen Hendrickson and How to start a conversation and make friends by Don Gabor.

    5. Put down your book and go talk to people! Join a book club and talk about books!

      You’ll never get comfortable talking with people by reading.

    6. Cute-Necessary-3675 on

      The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zeavij comes to mind…

      If you’re open to some rom coms, books by Jasmine Guillory, Talia Hibbert, and Emily Henry have characters who in many cases are navigating their own capacity to open up to people. I think Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Hibbert might be a nice one.

    7. Royal_Basil_1915 on

      I have similar preferences, and one thing that’s been recommended to me is going to like book clubs and author signings, maybe your local library has a group meeting. They should have like a calendar on their website.

      One thing I’ve figured out is that people react well if you compliment them on something they have control over, like their hairstyle, clothes, or jewelry. Just a simple, “Oh, I like your nail polish!” does wonders. Unfortunately, to get good at being social you just gotta practice.

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