July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I spend almost as much time (if not more) picking what to read. Please help me pick out of these novels…

    – Dune
    – American Gods
    – The Terror
    – All Quiet on the Western Front
    – The Godfather
    – Salem’s Lot
    – Old Man’s War
    – The Deep
    – Rosemary’s Baby

    If you have any other suggestions I might like based on those, that would be awesome too!

    by BigBortlesBrand


    1. For me when I have a list I read the first chapter or even a page of each one and then decide which one seems the most interesting or which one I want to continue (this helps me alot since I never know what mood I want to read lol)

    2. Able-Distribution on

      I have not read: *All Quiet, The Deep*, *The Terror*. I have read all the others.

      Of them, the only one that I would consider a great book is *Dune*. After *Dune*, I would probably recommend *Salem’s Lot* next, though I don’t think it’s Stephen King’s best (if you want an early doorstopper by King, I would recommend *The Stand* instead).

      In my opinion, Scalzi (*Old Man’s War*) and Gaiman (*American Gods*) are overrated. This is an unusual opinion, but I hold it sincerely. I also consider Mario Puzo (*Godfather*) a pretty bad author, and my opinion there is not unusual.

      In short: I recommend *Dune* and *Salem’s Lot*.

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