September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest me an audiobook for a long drive I have coming up!

    I’m looking for this:

    * Not TOO difficult or intellectual–I have trouble focusing too hard on a book while driving. Also, I tend to miss some details when listening and not reading.
    * Super engaging–a page turner even when there are no pages turning (since it’s audio!)
    * I’m not super into horror, thrillers, murders, etc – I know it’s spooky season but not while I’m on a trip!
    * I do not like sci-fi or YA
    * Something that will have an impact on me
    * Ideally fiction or historical fiction (kinda sick of self-help right now)
    * But maybe it doesn’t have to be fiction (I about died laughing at Samantha Irby’s essay collections–funny is also good!)
    * Something I have an actual shot at getting on Libby/via the library without a huuuuge waitlist

    Thanks for your ideas!

    by Legitimate_Sort3


    1. It’s not fiction but if you love movies, Shit, Actually is a fun listen. Lindy West has compiled funny film reviews of the biggest movies of the last thirty years and quality compared them to the Fugitive. It really is worth the listen.

    2. Anything by David Sedaris! Calypso is a great place to start. He writes essays that are hilarious and affecting and thoughtful all at once. Plus he narrates his own audiobooks!

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