September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One of the reasons I haven’t been able to get into audiobooks, is how quickly my attention shifts away from the words and sentences quite often. Same thing happens while reading a book, I find myself losing cognizance of the text often and have to reread lines to grasp it.

    This going-back process is slightly more inconvenient in an audiobook — you don’t want to pause and go back over and over.

    I’m wondering if there’s a way to make my reading more ‘cleaner’, and avoid regressions?

    by surya_heals


    1. Read something insanely dense that puts you to sleep, then just fall asleep and wake up and keep reading. You have to practice holding your attention. You can also just read but track your progress often, make sure you’re trying to process every sentence, like “what did that do to the character?” – context building kind of questions. It’ll develop. I lived this almost 20 years ago. It gets easier and easier with time, otherwise you just fall asleep, wake back up, and keep reading.

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