November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for books that talk about the traditional ways of men. How men used to be. The leaders, providers, warriors. I just need something that's gonna allow me to feel how things used to be. Think of the men in the 70s – 90s . Real men. No talk back from a woman, woman cooks and cleans the house, the man provides a home and stable environment for his family. These men wear suits, walk and talk with authority. Woman cannot resist his dominance. That kind of man is what I'm looking to read about. I can even read about men from later time in history. The ones that went out and hunted for food, worked out with stones and boulders. Anything about men in charge and woman who submit. Pure patriarchy.

    by -CamSWorld-


    1. perpetualmotionmachi on

      It’s a bit of an older era, but maybe The Bible can work. It’s got men with manly men jobs, like carpenters and fishermen. And a lot of patriarchy, always talking about the Father, and women basically couldn’t do anything without getting stoned to death.

    2. I lived through the 70s – 90s, and mostly what I remember is people whining about how men today should be more like the strong, old-fashioned men of the 40s and 50s.

      Any time someone is trying to sell you a vision of a past time when things were simpler and better, odds are good that the past time never existed.

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