July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello fellow friends.

    The situation i am in right now is that I’m in need of an answer for the question I posited in the title of this post. A post which I’ve made on the internet site of reddit.

    To be honest, this is the second time I’m trying to ask thia question because the first time was deleted because apparently i haven’t wrote enough for you guys to go off.

    So now, my fellow friends, I, was intrigued by this book (i really was), but noticed it was a part of a series and was wondering if i can read it by itself or is it impossible to read it without reading the first one in the series? Cheers.

    Thank you guys and girls for the help. I hope this is enough text for reddit to not delete my post. May god bless the queen and may my question be answered truthfully and honestly. May ALL question, indeed, get truthful and honest answer.

    Why are we here? Are we alone? If not, who are the others? Are some of them aware of us? Is god vegan? Will this be enough text? Will anyone read this shit? Will i get my question answered or just get deleted again for spam or something? What is this stupid text limitations anyway? What are you wearing right now?

    You know, the important questions.

    Thank you all so much. I love you.


    by jonjoi

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