October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Take Harry Potter for example, since it’s popular. When you start book 2, have it be chapter 18 instead of chapter 1. And when you finish book 7, instead of the last chapter being chapter 37, have it be chapter 199.

    My reasoning is this. A series is one story, simply separated into multiple books. So for continuitys sake, let the chapter numbers reflect that. That way when you start the next book, instead of it feeling like an arbitrary new beginning, you’re simple continuing on to the next chapter.

    by justkeepbreathing94


    1. mjpenslitbooksgalore on

      Hmmm this is an interesting idea. I wouldn’t be opposed. And all the series would def have to have matching binders and pictures that match you so when you have all of them they create one picture. I love this. I want this. Somebody please make this

    2. While the idea is interesting, I guess it would destroy the sense of progression in some cases. If I spend a week reading and I’m only 30/199…

      Plus some books are divided in parts and each starts with 1.

    3. Depends on the series. Some like Harry Potter yeah one long story. Others you could read each book as a standalone like Babysitters club

    4. AlphaElectronMale on

      r/books actually talk about reading and interpreting books challenge. Difficulty: Impossible.

    5. NectarineAmazing1005 on

      This only works in webnovels. I read Chinese ones and it’s normal to say “Oh I’m still in Lord of the Mysteries chapter 865”, or “Oh I’m reading Transcending the Nine Heavens and I’m still at chapter 1499”

      Those who are only used to novels would probably think this is absurd

    6. DeadLettersSociety on

      I think it’s an interesting idea. Having read things like manga, graphic novels, etc, I think it definitely could work.

    7. Hey_Its_Roomie on

      It wouldn’t be any more or less interesting. I think it would be silly since the point of having partitions such as books, chapters, or whatever is meant to break it up in organization. Having Book 3, Chapter 19 be Chapter 107 kind of ignores the reason to even have a count of books.

    8. Accomplished_Set1039 on

      In my edition of war and peace by leo tolstoy the second part begins just like that. I think with 14’th chapter. I don’t know if it was originally published as a single book and my edition us just split to be more comfortable or maybe it was supposed to be like that from the beginning.

    9. I personally love this idea. I don’t know how many people here discover books by just browsing at the library, but I often do. So many books I pick up are book not 1 in a series and they aren’t labled as such. I have to google the book if on the cover it doesn’t mention being part of a series.

    10. marktwainbrain on

      Depends on the book I suppose. Something an author could choose, especially if the series is cohesive and the volumes aren’t standalone. Eg for LOTR, this could made sense, though Tolkien (genius and trailblazer in nearly every way) doesn’t strike me as someone who broke conventions in that sort of structure (punctuation, titles, numbering, alignment, etc) like a postmodernist might.

    11. No, if the chapters should continue then it should be one book. A book should always be complete to some extent in itself. It should be a full story with its own arc and character growth. It can still be part of a larger story; there can still be unanswered questions and growth to come, but none of this “Next time on…” soap opera gimmick for individual books.

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