September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to love reading more than anything but over time I stopped reading as much as I used to in the past and I’ve had a hard time getting back into it. This year I have been trying really hard to get back into reading but I am struggling. Most of the books I’ve read haven’t really done it for me and I find myself losing focus and finishing them only for the sake of finishing them. So far I have read: The Bridge on the Drina (did not enjoy very much), The Alchemist (kind of liked it), The Storm Crow, Crow Rider, Kitchen Confidential (loved it), The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy (hated it), Entangled Life (somewhat interesting), and now I am reading Pride and Prejudice (kind of liking it so far but having a hard time). I used to love the Hunger Games and Fablehaven series.

    I don’t have any specific genre in mind, I’m open to anything that is a good story and will keep me engaged. Hit me with your best suggestions!

    by SixZer0s

    1 Comment

    1. fosterfamilydiaries on

      The Hunger Games still holds up! I always suggest rereading something you used to love, and branching out from there. It’s how I got back into reading.

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