September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there. I’ve been working an absolutely insane, reading intensive job for the past several years and have read very little outside of work for a while now. I’m looking to recommit to my love of reading but I find myself picky about the media I consume and if it doesn’t hit the mark lose interest. Hoping you all can help me, if I share some of my preferences.

    – #1 is absolutely no sci-fi or fantasy. I just can’t do it (dystopian like 1984 or white noise is okay tho). The below bullets are a little softer and I can be flexible on but this one is a hard no.

    – I like and prefer contemporary books, that mostly are written from a female-identifying perspective

    – an issue I run into though, is that the most widely touted books that are contemporary and focused on women seem to be romance novels—absolutely respect that this is a popular genre for a reason but I find many of them kind of juvenile or cheesy. I definitely don’t mind romance being part of the plot but ive found myself kind of luke warm on books like beach read etc. And would prefer something slightly more intellectual?

    – I lost my mom somewhat recently, so I’d also really like to stay away from books that specifically have a big focus on dead mothers/cancer (surprisingly hard to avoid) and just generally books that people describe by saying “this absolutely destroyed me”

    -I’m early 30s, college educated woman who lives in a major city and works a demanding corporate job—in case demographics are helpful.

    Super appreciate any and all suggestions!

    by Chateau_de_Gateau

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