July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I mean, I feel like I should read the books one after the other, and even that time I started a series without realizing it was a series, I loved what I was reading enough to make it through five books. Right now, I’ve made it through five books of The Dark Tower series, and I have two more to go. I do want to find out what happens, but I don’t so much like feeling required to keep reading in the same series until i finish. I think I’m doing it wrong, because other people read much longer series. How do you do it? Do you read a book, pick up another unrelated book and read that and then return to the series? Do you just dip back in and out over the course of years?

    by SleeplessSummerville


    1. Depends on the series. Rarely will I read them all back to back. Often, I will space them out with a different book or two between each entry. Sometimes I will just put them into a normal reading rotation and get to the next entry months or even a year or so later. In the last case, I don’t really think that’s a big deal because when you think about how books are released, they are not all released at the same time anyway. If you were reading and keeping up with the books as they released, you would probably have a year or so between each entry naturally. I don’t see that as causing any problems.

    2. I dip in and out of series. Especially if the books are longer/denser, I need something to break it up. Alternatively, I’ll also jump in reread particular favorites of a series without reading the ones I didn’t like lol. Nothing wrong with skipping around if you’re reading for enjoyment. Some folks need more variety, and some series are easier to binge.

    3. Ineffable7980x on

      I binged a lot when I was younger. Now that I am older, I tend to take breaks between books of a series, just to cleanse my pallet. It took me 2 full years to get through the 10 books of Malazan Book of the Fallen because of these breaks.

    4. state_of_euphemia on

      I usually can’t read them all back-to-back… I just lose interest. The sweet spot is reading it soon enough after the first book that I can still remember it, but not so soon that I’m tired of the subject.

    5. It depends on what’s going on in my life. I make reading fit into my life, not the contrary.

    6. If it’s more than two books, I will almost always put at least 1 other book of a different genre/author between each book in a series. I almost never read more than 2 in a series consecutively. I like to make it last and also not get tired of it.

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