October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all, I (28F) am looking for something to read about personal finance for couples. I’m familiar with Dave Ramsey but not a huge fan so would prefer something in a different direction with real, practical suggestions to implement for good financial hygiene. Some topics that would be helpful to be covered:
    – good set ups for splitting expenses between couples
    – how to start investment accounts
    – how to set up savings for children
    – retirement account/emergency savings guidance

    Basically I’m looking to educate myself and my husband about the world of money and a financial advisor feels over the top so I’m starting with research – a book doesn’t need to cover all those topics and I’m sure there are others I haven’t considered. Suggest me what has been helpful/influential for you.


    by Glum_Resist_7697

    1 Comment

    1. Kudos for starting financial planning in your 20’s! The earlier you start a saving and investing program, the longer you can take advantage of the magic of compounding

      Jane Bryant Quinn’s “Making the Most of Your Money” is a book that we used as a general reference, but it’s little old at this point (2009). There is a wide range of information in it that still appears to be relevant in 2024 judging by the positive reviews it is still getting.

      For investing advise, I’d start with Jack Bogle’s “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” and then head over to the [bogleheads.org](http://bogleheads.org) web site. Lots of smart, patient people are posting there with lots of good advise.

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