I have 644 books marked 'want to read' on Goodreads (and I'm reasonably confident that not all the physical books I own that are unread have been properly transcribed to Goodreads). I read at a shockingly consistent pace – 34 books in 2023, 44 for each of the preceding three years.
At my current pace, if I add nothing to my list (so discover nothing near that has already been published, and nothing that is written between now and when I complete my list is of any interest, which is obviously unrealistic), it will take me 16 years to complete.
What's everyone else's magic number?
by Key_Piccolo_2187
I’ll never finish. So many books, so little time. Isn’t that beautiful?
650 years
atm i have 111 books on my tbr and it keeps growing, i guess we’ll never read everything we want to
At my current pace, assuming my rate of reading stays consistent, it would take less than a year. I don’t really add things to my TBR. I prefer to discover books organically as I finish my current read.
I continuously add more books to my list than I’m able to read, and I read a lot, so I’m entirely certain I will never reach the end. It’s just an out of control treadmill moving faster.
I have about 25 books currently purchased, and about another 120 or so on a list of books I’d like to read. Assuming I were to keep the same reading pace and add no more books (the second being incredibly unlikely), it would be about 2 years.