July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I love to read books, but I do not have a very fast reading speed. This causes me to only read a couple of books a year because it takes me a while to read 10-20 pages at a time. I know I subvocalize and this is most likely the root problem for my lack of speed when reading. I have tried ways to increase my speed and force my brain to read faster, but I realized that my comprehension of the book goes way down and I ultimately have to read the text over again.

    For those that care, I get really demoralized when people have told me they have read X amount of books in a week/month/year and I am no where close to that number because of my speed.

    I guess my question is how did you all learn to read faster, and if you subvocalized, how did you stop or reduce it?

    Thanks for any and all recommendations.

    by Wandering_geologist


    1. onceuponalilykiss on

      What do you consider a “not very fast reading speed”? How many hours does it take you to read the average 300 page novel? It’s my experience that a lot of people think normal reading speed is slow because they see all the “speed readers” posting online, but the speed readers tend to have like 0 actual retention lol.

      It should take you 5-7 hours to read a normal length novel. Anything within that range isn’t that bad.

    2. RorschachBlindsight on

      Are you reading for enjoyment, to learn or just to finish books?

      I think fast-reading is overrated. It took me over a year to read Beyond Good & Evil and it’s probably the most profound book I’ve ever read.

    3. It is no a contest.

      Your speed is always the good speed.

      Faster or slower is not significant to enjoy the book.

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