October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Please forgive me if this is the wrong subreddit , I couldn’t think where else to post. To cut a very long story short, I’m going through an immensely dark and difficult point in my life right now, i try and access as many services for mental health that I can but being in the U.K. , were overcrowded and underfunded so it’s very hard to get anything done.

    I’m looking for some reading material to help me mentally, to help me learn techniques to boost myself to be a better person , to control my emotions better and to gain motivation. I’m not religious but I’m curious about some religious teachings/principles but more so spiritual. I would like to find something to help me navigate my mental and spiritual battles and also to broaden my understanding and perspective of the power of spirituality and the brain.

    The other reading material I’m seeking is related to fitness. I have no hobbies, no routine, no purpose. There are many reasons for this , but I want it to change. I want to get my body into a state where I’m able to step foot into a kickboxing ring again , not to compete or to be “tough” or beat up people for fun – I enjoy martial arts and always have been fascinated by them, I respect and appreciate the discipline, motivation, dedication and all round respect. As of right now , my body struggles tremendously, I would like to educate myself on ways to slowly bring my body to a state of equilibrium , I need to strengthen my muscles around my back to support my spine as I struggle to walk and my posture is poor. My diet and eating habits are poor . My sleep habits are poor. I believe the answer to all these issues I have lie within books , books sharing knowledge of ancient healing , meditation, modern medicine, ancient belief systems, tried and tested methods.

    I need hope. I’m trying to keep myself alive. I thought I’d lose my life 4 years ago, but I am still here, soon to be 21, if I can hold on long enough.

    So , I ask of you, please share any knowledge you may have , any pieces of text , books, podcasts, anything that I may benefit from. I need to change and nobody is coming to save me, the only person who can make a change is me and I need to do just that.

    by ThrowRAMurky_Ad_8555

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