July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Been reading a lot of Fantasy lately, just went through a reread of Wheel of Time, been through most of Brandon Sanderson’s stuff, ASoFaI and some Forgotten Realms/Drizzt stuff. Kind of looking to jump into some sci-fi books that aren’t Star Wars/Trek. Preferably nothing terribly long, maybe something stand alone up to a trilogy. I have also read the Ender series, so no need to suggest that. Thank you in advance.

    by crazy-jay1999


    1. BookishBeekeeper on

      The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. It’s a series, but each book is pretty short (<200 pages). It is a fun sci fi read.

    2. The *MaddAddam* Trilogy, starting with *Oryx and Crake.* It’s post apocalyptic sci-fi written by one of the queens of dystopian, one Margaret Atwood. It’s phenomenal and compelling and I would recommend going in knowing very little.

    3. along_withywindle on

      The Hainish Cycle by Ursula K LeGuin is a series you can read in any order. The only relationship between the books is they take place in the same universe.

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