October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Can you suggest me a book that will make me question life and humanity all together, books that are sad and desperate. I feel like I haven’t found a good book in ages and I keep seeing tiktok recommendations everywhere … so please no tiktok recommendations.

    by velociraptor_dino


    1. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler is kind of a low-key sad book about life grinding you down, almost achieving happiness but things don’t quite work out, the pettiness of sibling relationships. I read it ten years ago and still think about it. Tragic in a very realistic, it happens to everyone kind of way.

    2. Journey to the End of the Night -Celine

      A bitter, hateful, angry, misanthropic, sad, and depressing rant against humanity written by a GIANT asshole.

    3. I found This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno to be incredibly sad and desperate. It’s about a man whose wife was killed for seemingly no reason and is literally haunted by his grief. My biggest fear is also my spouse dying so it really hit me.

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