July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I recently wrote a book review a of horror/murder mystery book. I like the book and I mentioned 3 strong points and 2 flaws.

    In the book, many characters die in gruesome ways, and I don’t feel much. I feel terrified, and grossed out, but I don’t feel too sad for many of the characters. Because I don’t feel like the book make me care enough about them to feel sad. Some characters even die in the very chapter that they are introduced, the whole time they are referred to as “he” or “she” (the book uses a omniscient narrator style) and we don’t even learn their name until after they die or how much they mean to the main characters.

    I mentioned this in my review, and someone was really upset that I don’t care about these deaths, and absolutely tried to tear me a new one, saying I should never review books again because I might discourage others from reading the book with the flaws.

    So should I have cared? Is something wrong with me?

    by NotVuhaiduong_69

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