July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently I read ‘A Very Easy Death’ by Simon Beauvoir. It’s an essay on the author’s personal experience with her mother’s death. What intrigued me was the author’s choice to not inform her mother that she was dying. Her mother believed that she was recovering from a hip fracture and a hernia surgery while in fact, cancer had already taken over her body. Hence, the title of the book, a very easy death implies that her mother suffered less because of this choice.
    Have you ever had to make a similar decision in your life?
    Would you rather die while being unaware or aware?

    by Chase_cheese

    1 Comment

    1. Oh I’d want to know. Just so I can plan my exit. If things get bad for me, I’m stopping this living thing and moving on. Not telling someone they are dying seems like avoiding a bad conversation you don’t want to have. Unless someone has dementia and just won’t understand, I’d be honest

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