October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been searching for a book that can at least some what match this criteria. I just want a relatable book for once any suggestions-CRITERIA: could have horror, could be LGBTQ+ (I'm not big on finding true love type books but a I wouldn't mind it if it WASN'T the main plot of the story and just a "side quest" type thing), I have trauma and a disorder so a main character struggling with these things would be nice to relate to in a way, I also love psychology so anything with psychology would be nice, alienation, isolation, mental health in general, other than that I'm not sure what else lol, also really enjoyed the book "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai since I could relate to the main character in some ways so a book semi similar to No Longer Human could suffice 😀

    by CheeseWithNoCheese99


    1. CheeseWithNoCheese99 on

      also I’ve never used this sub before so if it’s the wrong place for this pls let me know

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