average words per page of manga is around 70 words while for regular books is around 300 words per page.
This year i read a whole series of manga, Food Wars, 35 volumes, each 192 pages. That’s around 6720 words based on average words per page.
A example of books plus pages read this year
Moby Dick 654 pages
20,000 leagues under the sea 406 pages
halfway to the grave 358 pages
at the mountain of madness 194 pages
graphic novels
at the mountain of madness vol 1 298 pages
at the mountains of madness vol 2 346 pages
i went from 36 books last year to this year almost hitting my 75 book goal after reading 50 books before the end of September and upping the number.
Based on math and averages those 35 graphic novels equal around 4 regular average 350 page novels My husband is insistent that they are basically picture books even when it took me all day to just read 10 of the 35 volumes of manga. It takes me about a day to read 350 page books.
Help us solve the question how do you count these towards your books read for the year. For me those are books i read, a book is a book no matter how small. My husband says they dont count.
by Bluesbunny33