September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished a book in a series with the slowest burning romance ever. I’m seven books in and the main character just let his partner know he’s in love with her AT THE END OF THE BOOK. I need more! I don’t want a romance book, just a book or series with a solid friendship that turns into love. Think Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.

    by Lazy_Victory825


    1. FoghornLegday on

      Ok I will say I don’t know when the romance starts bc I’ve only read the first book, but the Veronica Speedwell series strikes me as a slow burn for sure. The first book is A Curious Beginning

    2. go_analog_baby on

      The High Society Lady Detective series by Sara Rosett is a favorite of mine. It’s like Downton Abbey meets murder mystery and the leading lady has a completely charming male companion who joins her adventures with more frequency, evolving into a romance several books in. The romance is present, but not the main plot.

    3. Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews.
      I think they have a relationship by book 3 but with some nice romance before (because she doesnt want to be with him, at least she says that. He makes clear he is into her pretty quickly).
      It’s just a small part in the books it’s mainly abt her being a ‘bounty hunter’ of some sorts and her weird origin.

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