July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have recently (today) finished this book and I’ve read a lot of negative reviews on it. Which is great! I’m glad people have their own opinions about the book and I’m interested to hear both positives and negatives about it and to read why some may have disliked it.

    I found myself really enjoying the book. It’s been a while since I’ve read anything and finished it but I found myself really enjoying this book as I went though it.

    I related a lot to the character Harriet and her struggle with opening up and having a parent that has intense expectations for you just because they’ve worked hard for you. It seals you into a box, tethered by chains and it isn’t fun. I enjoyed her finding happiness in her partner and in a hobby she truly liked.

    A lot of people seemed to really have a problem with the medical part of the book. Her giving up her job and leaving for Montana at the end. However, I found myself enjoying that she could do that. Find the courage and the balls to quit doing something she had never enjoyed in the first place. To realize that what she was doing wasn’t even for her but to please her parents.

    That’s a hard decision to make, obviously because the money situation everyone seems to also bring up when they talk about their dislike for this ending. However, I liked that ending. I liked that we could be angry at her. I liked that we could realize it’s a crazy thing to do but she did it for herself. She had a significant other who will help her and I like to think that she’s going to speak with her parents in depth. Maybe they accept her decision but they also make her realize that the money situation is too big therefore they want to help a bit and she can repay they some other way.

    I dunno but I would like to hear more opinions about how people felt. About the book as a whole. The characters, the plot, the backstories, writing. All of it. I like to argue and disagree and agree and come to understand so I’m here for any answer! ^^

    by WeirdAlienBuns

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