September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I M(35) am trying to get back into reading as a hobby to share with my wife who is already a very active reader.

    I don’t want to sit and doom scroll my phone if there isn’t a sport worth watching on TV while she reads and the kids are already in bed.

    I haven’t read for the fun of it in a long time, like when I was a kid and the HP series had just started to hit.

    No idea what I’m into but I’ll try reading anything, I’ve got a library card.

    by LinksLibertyCap


    1. What are some of your favorite movies to get a vibe for what you’re into?? I love this journey for you. Reading as an adult has completely changed how I spend my free time in the best possible way. It’s the best form of escapism after a long day at work. And now with the Kindle app on your phone, it’s so easy for me to read anywhere! When I’m waiting in line or something, I just pull up my book on my phone instead of aimlessly scrolling content I’ll forget about in 5 minutes, lol. I’d love to recommend some books for you if you give me a few movies you like! 🙃

    2. Creative_Object_ on

      Having no idea what you’d enjoy, here are some things I would recommend to my husband from the books I’ve recently read. The first three are post-collapse, futuristic fiction. The last one is more of an environmental disaster fiction, without the collapse. It’s my favorite genre at the moment.

      Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice

      The Arrest by Jonathan Lethem

      Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

      The Back of the Turtle by Thomas King

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