September 2024
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    Animal Farm by George Orwell is a striking satirical novel that mocks the central idea of an authoritative regime and displays the hypocrisy and cruelty lined by the ones in power, the formation of a totalitarian authority and the horrors faced by the innocent souls layered within naivety and blinding belief. This is a novel where we follow the animals of a farm, how they discuss on starting a rebellion and acting against it to overthrow the tyrannical corruption of the humans and whole of humanity.

    As the rebellion starts and the animals presumably win over; we can see what becomes their living life next. Overthrowing the owner of the farm, are the animals now truly free? Is this independence that that they sought for such long? Is this their true victory? As the novel progresses, we can see the horrifying realities that is faced by the animals. As the ones gain power, sooner or later things start to stir up. We can see how the satire of this book lays upon infront of our eyes.

    Giving a body the right to leadership and then being ruled by it, is it true freedom? As we see in the real world, how tyrannical and fascists governments tend to be and in many instances are there a layered segmented body of totalitarian authority and how as the governing body gains power, the realities of the civilians and the normal working class power gets ruled over by corruption and the greed that nests over the governing body. The lust for more as ones perception of humanity and morality descends into treachery and tyranny. How can one turn out to be the victims of discrimination and prejudiced and labelled "lowly" due to factors that no one can change; disparity between race and how this affects the perception of "equality" within the body of many different races (species of animals, context) and maps out their lives for till the moment they halt their breath.

    This novel excellently mocks the world in which we are living in today. Overthrowing the government and letting a new party take over, do you call this independence? Being blinded by the ones in power even when you do know the reality and the truth, brainwashed to a point where the fabricated and layered statement full of faulty and flawed information are fed to you as the truth. Overconsumption and willing to stay blinded and letting your life being dictated and ruled by the fascist authority, all while you being patriotic and devoted to the higher ups. Don't you think this is familiar? This is the reality of the world we live in and the nuanced complexity of Animal Farm portrayed this magnificently throughout the course of the fate and lives of the animals.

    Corruption, cruelty and dictatorship. As one received the throne of power; they became the sole thing they swore to destroy : corruption and the tyrannical oppressor. How the cycle of revolution comes to be when it is completed. Back to before but even worse. This story also displays the naivety and innocence of the regular normal civilians and how they are played by the crooked and heinous authority. The revolution of the animals to gain freedom? Or to be back in the same state yet again but blinded and fed with untrue virtues of kindness and morality??

    This story also displays the immense and striking effect caused by a strong speech from a political figure. How in doing so a normal person would likely gravitate into following the speakers words and trusting those by heart. How words and speeches play a major role in the formation and destruction of a community and an authority. Even when you know the reality, if you are to speak, your fate will be doomed, the petrifying nature of totalitarianism and an authority with utmost power, layered by corrupted views of greed and lust. The political commentary is a work of art, portrayed realistically with utmost nuance and complexity.

    The story itself is very accessible, I was to be frank stunned how easy this was to read and understand. Displaying the horrors and torments of our unfair lives in a cartoonish and funny way while diving through the depths of the mind that is layered in deception, betrayal and doctoring. What else is there to be said about this excellent piece of fiction that depicts the reality in such striking lens? Masterful work by the author and it truly is well worthy and known for its worldwide popularity. Truly a classic fable that deserves all the praise, it is probably the book I tabbed and annotated the most. I can't help but think of 1984, how will that turn out to be? I own the book and this one was probably the best start for delving into the world of Orwellian fiction. Genuinely loved the book and its overall commentary. There are very few quotes worthy of mentioning as you have to decipher the meaning yourself, but here are 2 which stood out to me quite prominently:

    “ It had become usual to give Napoleon the Credit for every Successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune. You would often hear one hen remark to another, “Under the guidance of our leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days” or two cows, enjoying a drink at the pool, would exclaim, 'thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!' "

    "They had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes."

    To understand the striking intensity and the depths of these quotes, you have to read the story yourself first. Which I highly recommend you to do so. And ofcourse, the infamous quote that sums up the entirety of Animal Farm:

    “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

    Excellent book with utmost insights and significance.

    by manthan_zzzz

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