September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really, really loved this book. I hesitated starting it because I was frustrated by the previous 2 Greek reimagining's I read, but this came highly recommended by a dear friend, so i jumped in.

    The prose is really a delight, the plot is a joy to discover, the characters feel very deeply, it just hit all my sweet spots.

    Obviously given the setting, dickens sprang to mind (what with the Fagin parallel and the orphans and street kids), but very strongly was the spirit of Herman Hesse, that straightforward prose that strips the soul bare, it hit just right for me. A touch of Gaiman's fantastic sense of wonder permeates the darkest moments, helping save it from becoming a depression triggering tale for me at least.

    I've never written a blurb like this and posted it. I just really hope people read this book because I enjoyed it deeply.

    by explicita_implicita

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