October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I found out about a year ago that I really enjoy Sci-fi and Fantasy novels. I’m constantly on a reading frenzy.
    I used to really looked forward to upcoming TV shows and movies. Now I just download them and they just sit there, and whenever I start to watch I can’t even go past 30min mark. Has this ever happened to you? what did you do to enjoy both?

    by BoomOnTory


    1. BinstonBirchill on

      Yep. Same thing happened to me. First it killed my interest in video games, then awhile later movies and tv. I definitely consider it a good thing so I can’t really help you with enjoying both, I just find books to be a superior format for what I want. The other thing that does pique my interest is playing heavy strategy board games for some socialization, or just talking books but it can be difficult to find an interlocutor.

    2. I have an issue with high expectations concerning visual effects. If there is something done “cheap” my brain immediatally focus on it and that’s it. For example I swallowed Expanse book series but I had some issues with TV series which i found quite good. But it is like eaching under the skin.

      It is very difficult to keep me in front of screen

      Actually I really prefer to take my reader and spend every evening on reading.

      Which screen version of book was disapointing for you?

    3. I started with reading because I’m old: when I was a kid in my country the only SF shows you could find on TV were Star Trek and Space 1999, usually late at night. My luck was discovering Jules Verne at 7, he stirred in me a love for SF that still goes on to this day, and I always preferred reading to any other form of entertainment. It still is my main leaisure activity and I’ve never owned a TV since living on my own, I simply don’t feel the need.

      My wife is subscribe to Netflix tho, we watch series together while we cook, eat and clean in the evening.

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